How do I survive a whole-house renovation

A Guide to Surviving a Whole-House Remodel

Do you dream of a stylish remodel but keep putting it off for fear of delays, mistakes, and all-around hassle? While feeling a little apprehensive is completely understandable, remodeling can be an absolutely amazing experience with a huge payoff. If you organize well and take a few extra steps to ensure comfort, it will definitely be both enjoyable and worthwhile.

You can feel completely at ease if you work with competent whole-house remodel contractors in Oklahoma City. Also, knowing a thing or two about what to expect can help a lot. Read on to learn how to manage stress and power through the process. 

How do I survive a whole-house renovation?

Who are reliable whole-house remodel contractors in Oklahoma City

You can keep stress at a minimum and get the fantastic results you’re looking for if you apply some of these helpful tactics.

  1. Have a detailed plan

One of the most reassuring strategies during a remodel is to have a well-thought-out plan to fall back on. Since remodeling an entire home is a complex process, there are many aspects to think about. Break it down into steps, carefully consider what goes into each, and take it from there. It will give the project much needed order and structure. Of course, reputable contractors will guide you through the planning stage as well as other phases of the remodel.

  1. Get ready to deal with dust

Although experienced builders do their best to keep it at a minimum, some dust and debris is to be expected, especially with an extensive project such as this one. This is no cause for concern because it can be easily resolved with a thorough clean after the work is done. You can discuss dust control and waste disposal methods with your company to make sure they’re keeping things as clean as possible. 

  1. Find accommodation

Because construction will take place in multiple areas of the house, you’ll likely need to vacate it for the time being. Think about different options well in advance and sort everything out on time. You could stay with friends or family, find a short-term rental apartment, rent a mobile home, or go on vacation for a while.

  1. Keep in touch with your remodeling company

The best thing you can do for your peace of mind is to put top-rated, licensed remodelers on the job. Make sure that they’re a responsive and transparent company because this will spare you a lot of trouble. They’ll be a reassuring presence throughout the project. For example, they’ll keep you up-to-date with the progress and address all concerns you may have.

  1. Remember to take a break

Taking some time to yourself to restore your energy is hugely important during a remodel. Letting stress get the better of you is not only counterproductive but it can also take a toll on your health and personal relationships. Stick to your routine as much as possible, set some time aside for hobbies and social life, and rely on your contractors.

Who are reliable whole-house remodel contractors in Oklahoma City?

Your guide to surviving a whole house remodel

Ten Key Remodels handle a wide variety of projects in Lincoln Terrace and other neighborhoods of Oklahoma City. Our trained and committed team can handle any challenge, including whole-house remodels. We’ll put your mind at ease with streamlined project management, cutting-edge design, and top-quality construction.

Reach for the phone and schedule your design consultation now. We’d be happy to chat to you about the details of your whole-house remodel and explain each step of this complex transformation. Let your imagination run wild, work on the plans with our skilled designers, and select premium materials. Soon you’ll tap into the full potential of your property. Have durable, custom-made solutions that will bring you joy!

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