Ten Key Blog

Check out the latest trends and news in the home remodeling industry

Kitchen Lighting: How to Get It Right

While it may not be the first thing people think about when they’re planning a kitchen remodel, lighting is actually a crucial piece of the puzzle. To get the most out of your new kitchen, you’ll need a lighting arrangement that’s both aesthetically pleasing and customized to your specific functionality needs.  Read expert tips on […]

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Kitchen Countertop Selection: What You Need to Know

There’s no doubt about it: full-scale kitchen remodels are large, time-consuming projects, which require a number of careful considerations. However, they are also immensely rewarding, especially if managed by a reputable full-service remodeling company. Countertops are one of the most visible and most frequently used elements of your kitchen. The huge selection of countertop materials […]

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Your Kitchen Sink Buying Guide

The sink is one of the focal points of every kitchen, which can beautifully complement the overall appearance and functionality of this space. You’ll want one that matches the rest of your shiny new kitchen in style, quality, and practicality. Check out our useful guide to discover how to find a kitchen sink that meets […]

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